Greek Theatre Masks - Year 3


As part of our History learning in Year 3 we have found out all about Greek Theatres.

A Greek Amphitheatre

Did you know that Greeks didn't just like competing against each other in sport? They had acting competitions too. They held big festivals where different playwrights and actors performed plays and tried to win the competition for being the best!

There were sad plays called tragedies and funny plays called comedies.  

We learned how the actors projected their voices by performing in huge amphitheatres and wearing exaggerated masks with huge mouths that helped make their voices louder.

After studying the masks, making drawings of existing masks and then designing our own, we had a go at making some from clay!

Watch this video of Mrs Hadley making a mask from air drying clay. Maybe you could have a go at home?!

Here are some of our awesome clay masks. Can you tell which ones are tragedy (sad plays) and which ones are comedy (funny plays) masks?

Then we practised some Paper sculpture techniques and made our own paper Greek masks. Can you see all the different folding techniques we used? Can you tell if our masks represent tragedy or comedy?
