Art Week culminated today with an exhibition of art work from every class. Some of the artists who had inspired the art work included Georgia O'Keefe, Piet Mondrian, Henri Rousseau, Romero Britto, Huntertwasser, Jean Simeon Chardin and Ben Nicholson.
The body of work produced across the school was truly impressive and showed how creativity is well and truly alive and kicking here at Rydon Primary School!
Our recorder group and samba band entertained visitors to the exhibition with wonderful live music. Many members of our school community visited the exhibition and saw the beautiful art first hand. The children were very keen to proudly share their achievements and talk about what they had learned this week.
A very big thank you once again to Tesco Newton Abbot
who kindly provided us with both fresh fish and an array of fruit for the children draw. Also to the Helen Foundation who supported our visiting Rangoli artist Kate Green.
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